Visiting Brandeis University

Visiting Brandeis University

Brandeis is a much newer school than many in Boston, having been founded in 1948. I was quite impressed with the list of founders, which included Leonard Bernstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, and Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish Supreme Court Justice. Justice...
Apply Ivy Visits Boston College

Apply Ivy Visits Boston College

I had been to BC football games as a kid, so I knew that school spirit runs high, and I definitely felt that during my visit. In addition to school spirit, students are very passionate about service and faith. Service came up time and again during the information...
Apply Ivy Visits Tufts University

Apply Ivy Visits Tufts University

It was a beautiful, hot day when I visited the Tufts campus, 5 miles from Boston. The campus is quite picturesque, and it reminded me of many small, liberal arts campuses with small brick classroom buildings lining either side of a large, green lawn. But with 5,000...