5 Tips For Applying To Oxford And Cambridge
[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' admin_preview_bg=''] Oxford and Cambridge...
5 Reasons To Start The Boarding School Applications
When people think of applying to US boarding schools, they often assume that starting the...
The Common Application Personal Statement
Amidst a sea of applicant statistics comprised of stellar grades and perfect test scores, the...
Beyond The SAT/ACT: The Essay Portion and Subject Tests – Should You Take Them?
Our previous post delved into the meaning behind “test-optional” policies that universities are...
Test-optional policies in US college admissions – not so optional after all?
This article was updated on March 20, 2021. Please scroll to the bottom of the latest update. In...
College Applications During COVID-19
You may have heard that the SAT and ACT (standardised tests required for entering into most...
5 Tips for US University Interviews
We recently provided tips for a winning university interview that were published on
A New Year and a Fresh Start
I hope you had a pleasant winter holiday break and are well-rested. For most students, the new...
The Importance of Etiquette
This article is by a guest blogger, Bernice Lee. You’ve heard how important it is for your child...